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Searches all users in the system and returning the metadata for all matches against the given search filter.
Supplying the user object, this will update the user with the new information supplied in the body of the request. Optionally, the user's password may be provided in the User object.
^[A-Za-z0-9 ]{2,20}
^[A-Za-z0-9 ]{3,30}
The user's plaintext password, only to be provided in POST/PUT requests in the User Resource REST API interface. In the future, a dedicated REST API model may be constructed instead of using a direct User model.
The user's level to assign. Depending on the usage, the server may ignore this field and assign its own description.
Used in conjunction with the user creation request to specify.
Gets a specific user by email or unique user ID.
Deletes and permanently removes the user from the server. The server may keep some metadata as necessary to avoid data inconsistency. However, the user has been deleted from the client standpoint and will not be accessible through any of the existing APIs.
Supplying the UserUpdatePasswordRequest, this will attempt to update the user's password only if they supply the correct existing password.
The user's current password.
The user's updated password.
The user's profile id to assign the new session. Leave blank for no profile id.
Supplying the user object, this will update the user with the new information supplied in the body of the request. Optionally, the user's password may be provided in the User object.
^[A-Za-z0-9 ]{2,20}
^[A-Za-z0-9 ]{3,30}
The user's plaintext password, only to be provided in POST/PUT requests in the User Resource REST API interface. In the future, a dedicated REST API model may be constructed instead of using a direct User model.
A special endpoint used to get the current user for the request. The current user is typically associated with the session but may be derived any other way. This is essentially an alias for using GET /user/myUserId