
Elements supports matchmaking for online gaming, including one vs one or group matches with teams.

Elements supports simple one vs one matchmaking for connected games. Players create Match requests, monitor the state of the Match, and finally enter a game based on the logic of the Match.

This ties directly into the scripting engine because the Match system will execute a single Cloud function upon completion of the Match.

Matchmaking Process

The detailed process for handling a Match is as follows:

  1. Create a Matchmaking Scheme under the Application Configuration section for your Application

  2. Deploy the Cloud Function code to service the match

  3. From the client application, POST the match request.

  4. Poll, using GET, based on the specific Match identifier(s). Elements will delay the response until the Match is completed, or a timeout occurs.

  5. Upon finding a matching Profile, Elements will execute the matchmaking Cloud Function and supply the result via the Match object.

  6. The Cloud function may perform any operation and return a string indicating the result of the operation. The result should be something like a game ID or IP address of a game server the player may join.

TODO: Creating Matchmaking Configuration Doc

Last updated