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Gets all save data documents available to the user.
Gets a single save data document.
The slot of the property. Must be unique for user or profile.
The id of the user which owns the save data. If specified, the user will own this save data and the profileId must be null or be owned by the user specified.
The id of the profile which owns the save data. If specified, the profile will own this save data and the userId must be null or be owned by the user specified.
The contents of the save data.
Gets a single save data document.
Gets a single save data document based on Profile ID and slot. This is a convenience method whichallows the client to fetch a save data based on slot an profile id.
Gets a single save data document
Gets a single save data document based on UserID and slot. This is a convenience method whichallows the client to fetch a save data based on slot an user id.