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Last updated
Gets the current Profile's rank among all players for the particular leaderboard.
Supplying a progress object, this will create a new progress with a newly assigned unique id. The Progress representation returned in the response body is a representation of the Progress as persisted with a unique identifier assigned and with its fields properly normalized.
The unique ID of the progress instance
The remaining actions
Represents a Reward that has been issued but has not yet been claimed by the user. The reward is assigned a unique ID to ensure that it may not have been applied more than once.
The current number of completed steps. Note that this may exceed the total number of steps, i.e. the final step may be repeated infinitely.
Indicates that this progress is managed by a Schedule. If true, the Progress will be deleted when no schedules have the progress active. This will be true if the Progress was created as part of a Schedule.
A listing of the Schedules which are managing this Progress. Empty or null if the Progress is not managed as part of a Schedule.
A listing of ScheduleEvents which are managing this Progress. Empty or null if the Progress is not managed as part of a Schedule.
Deletes a progress by the passed in identifier
Looks up a progress by the passed in identifier
Supplying a progress, this will update the Progress identified by the ID in the path with contents from the passed in request body.
The unique ID of the progress instance
The remaining actions
Represents a Reward that has been issued but has not yet been claimed by the user. The reward is assigned a unique ID to ensure that it may not have been applied more than once.
The current number of completed steps. Note that this may exceed the total number of steps, i.e. the final step may be repeated infinitely.
Indicates that this progress is managed by a Schedule. If true, the Progress will be deleted when no schedules have the progress active. This will be true if the Progress was created as part of a Schedule.
A listing of the Schedules which are managing this Progress. Empty or null if the Progress is not managed as part of a Schedule.
A listing of ScheduleEvents which are managing this Progress. Empty or null if the Progress is not managed as part of a Schedule.