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Last updated
Searches all missions in the system and returning a number of matches against the given search filter, delimited by the offset and count.
Supplying a mission object, this will create a new mission with a newly assigned unique id. The Mission representation returned in the response body is a representation of the Mission as persisted with a unique identifier assigned and with its fields properly normalized. The supplied mission object submitted with the request must have a name property that is unique across all items.
The unique ID of the mission
The name of the mission
The display name for the mission
The description of the mission
The tags used to categorize this mission
The steps that constitute the mission (may be null if finalRepeatStep is specified)
The metadata for this mission
Looks up a mission by the passed in identifier
Supplying a mission, this will update the Mission identified by the name or ID in the path with contents from the passed in request body.
The unique ID of the mission
The name of the mission
The display name for the mission
The description of the mission
The tags used to categorize this mission
The steps that constitute the mission (may be null if finalRepeatStep is specified)
The metadata for this mission
Deletes a mission by the passed in identifier