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Requires SUPERUSER access. Gets a pagination of Auth Schemes for the given query.
Creates a new Auth Scheme, from the data in the given auth scheme request
The JWT audience for the scheme. Must be unique.
The Base64 public key that was either given or generated during creation. See https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/11/docs/api/java.base/java/security/spec/X509EncodedKeySpec.html for details on the specifics of the format.
, RSA_384
, RSA_512
The highest permitted user level this particular scheme will authorize.
A list of tags used to index the auth scheme.
The list of issuers allowed to use this scheme.
Gets a specific Auth Scheme by the authSchemeId.
Updates an Auth Scheme with the specified data in the auth scheme request.
The JWT audience for the scheme. Must be unique.
If set to true, Elements will regenerate the key and pubKey must be null or omitted
The Base64 public key that was either given or generated during creation. See https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/11/docs/api/java.base/java/security/spec/X509EncodedKeySpec.html for details on the specifics of the format.
The algorithm that Elements will use with the supplied key.
, RSA_384
, RSA_512
The highest permitted user level this particular scheme will authorize.
The list of tags for tagging the auth scheme.
The list of issuers allowed to use this scheme.
Deletes an Auth Scheme with the specified id.
Requires SUPERUSER access. Gets a pagination of Auth Schemes for the given query.
Creates a new Auth Scheme, from the data in the given auth scheme request
The unique ID of the auth scheme.
A unique name used to identify the scheme within the instance of Elements. If using the same OAuth2 provider (e.g. Steam), it is recommended to suffix the name for each application when using multitenancy, e.g. steam_game1, steam_game2, etc.
The URL to send the user token validation request to.
The headers required for the validation request.
The query parameters required for the validation request.
Determines how to map the user id in the response. For example "response.params.steamid"
Gets a specific Auth Scheme by the oAuth2AuthSchemeId.
Updates an Auth Scheme with the specified data in the auth scheme request.
The unique ID of the auth scheme.
A unique name used to identify the scheme within the instance of Elements. If using the same OAuth2 provider (e.g. Steam), it is recommended to suffix the name for each application when using multitenancy, e.g. steam_game1, steam_game2, etc.
The URL to send the user token validation request to.
The headers required for the validation request.
The query parameters required for the validation request.
Determines how to map the user id in the response. For example "response.params.steamid"
Deletes an Auth Scheme with the specified id.
Requires SUPERUSER access. Gets a pagination of Auth Schemes for the given query.
Creates a new Auth Scheme, from the data in the given auth scheme request
The unique ID of the auth scheme.
A unique name used to identify the scheme within the instance of Elements. When validating from an external source (e.g. Google or Apple SSO), must match the 'iss' property of the decoded JWT.
A set of JWKs containing the keys required to validate JWT signatures.
The URL for the JWK data. Will attempt to refresh keys if the kid cannot be found in the collection.
The JWK format. Defaults to application/json
Gets a specific Auth Scheme by the oidcAuthSchemeId.
Updates an Auth Scheme with the specified data in the auth scheme request.
The unique ID of the auth scheme.
A unique name used to identify the scheme within the instance of Elements. When validating from an external source (e.g. Google or Apple SSO), must match the 'iss' property of the decoded JWT.
A set of JWKs containing the keys required to validate JWT signatures.
The URL for the JWK data. Will attempt to refresh keys if the kid cannot be found in the collection.
The JWK format. Defaults to application/json
Deletes an Auth Scheme with the specified id.