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Elements - the most powerful and lightweight server engine to create a truly connected interactive entertainment experience for your app or game.
Elements is a next-generation cloud computing platform designed specifically to meet the demands of app/game developers wishing to enable connected functionality in their products. Elements provides a one-stop solution enabling app/game developers to rapidly develop, prototype, and deploy connected features with a majority of apps on the market.
Elements is loosely divided into two subsystems:
A set of RESTful APIs and web-based tools for managing the underlying system. Such APIs allow for user management, SSO, inventory management, and other back office administration tasks.
A low-latency container capable of executing cloud functions that can have an indefinite persistent state with minimal computational and memory overhead.
Patrick Twohig
Keith Hudnall
Samuel Kahn
Brandon Ernst
We are available to provide Community support in our Discord server - https://bit.ly/eci-discord
Copyright © 2015 - 2024 Elemental Computing Inc.